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Showing posts from August, 2024

Healing Our "Lone Wolf," Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Siota Belle

  Loneliness and a sense of disconnection can be a spiritual signal guiding us to reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. Othering--the practice of marginalizing and alienating individuals or groups because they are different from us--creates division and reinforces a sense of separation. Separating ourselves through differences deepens loneliness and hinders our ability to form meaningful connections with ourselves and others. This separation can make us feel as though we have approach life alone.  Join Rev Siota tonight in our Wednesday Evening Service to explore how healing our ā€œlone wolfā€ and loneliness brings greater inclusion with all of life, deepening our experience of wholeness and oneness.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - The Necessary Conversation. Special Wednesday Evening Service with Olivia Kinzler

  The United States is known to be one of the most diverse countries in the world...a melting pot of sorts.  From the outside looking in, it would seem so. I believe we can do better at cultivating communities where all races, colors, creeds and ethnicities are valued; I believe we can better recognize the goodness and talents of all people who were born here, or immigrated here, so we might all take part in the American dream. Diversity for me is the goal. Within our CSLSR community of like-minded souls, I wonder what it might look like if we were more curious about those who are different from us. So much can be learned and appreciated when one lives amongst a variety of people whose cultures and experiences don't match with our own. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.) will be discussed in detail beginning on Wed. 8/21 at Rev. Russ's mid-week service. We will look at how Diversity has deep spiritual roots, and how honoring Diversity is a rich spiritual practice. There ...

Let's Talk to Ourselves! - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Russ

  For much of my life, I went about my day completely unaware of my self-talk. I didn't take the time to really understand what I was saying to myself, and how that could impact my life for both good and ill.  Have you ever taken the time to really examine the ways you speak to yourself? I was surprised when I did, and I noticed that not only is my self talk sometimes negative, but that it sometimes doesn't even use words  to communicate. Once I know this, I can then make changes to both speak and listen to myself in more kind and loving ways.  How we talk to ourselves is what we will explore together in our Wednesday Evening Service tonight at 7pm. I look forward to seeing you all in the Social Hall! Much love, -Russ

Exploring Curiosity - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Russ

  Curiosity is the antidote to "othering," the process by which peoples' differences can be emphasized in ways that are unhealthy, and that can make people feel unwelcome. Curiosity makes the things we don't understand understandable. It gives us insight into things we don't know, and that insight can make the unknown feel a little less scary.  This knowing allows us to then build better connections to ourself and to the world around us, and through those connections we experience a greater sense of healing and belonging.  Join us tonight in our Wednesday Evening Service at the Center as we explore curiosity and how we can remove some of the blocks that can shut us off from our curiosity.  See you all soon! -Rev. Russ