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Healing Our Inner People Pleaser - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Russ

Are you a people pleaser? I am. I know many who are. People pleasing is something that helps me to feel safe and to be liked in the world.  The challenge with people pleasing is when I do it at the expense of my own authentic needs and desires. We are often taught to make our needs and desires secondary to those of others, but this can be very debilitating. It can also lead to perfectionism, to us judging our own self-worth based solely on what others think about us.  In tonight's Wednesday Evening Service, we will explore people pleasing and share a spiritual exercise that can help us understand better what it is we authentically desire--and what we don't  desire! Join us at 7pm at the Center tonight as we work to unlock a little more authenticity in our daily lives.  See you soon! -Russ
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Alive in Spirit - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Siota Belle

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The Boldness of Compassion - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Russ

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Cultivating Courage - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Russ

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"The Inner Hero" - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Siota Belle

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