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Recognizing Spirit - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Russ

This past Sunday I shared a bit about my own personal journey and how each step of my life built upon the ones that came before. Each of those steps contained something good that helped me to grow and evolve. 

One gift that has come out of that evolution is having a deeper relationship with my own Spirit--the essence of my being, the wise Self that is who I am when I am able to help all the worried and controlling parts of me relax. Feeling more connected to Spirit has enhanced my life in countless ways. 

Tonight we will talk about how you can better recognize the Spirit, or wise Self, that is the core of who you are, so that you might grow on your journey. Join us at 7pm at the Center for music and shared spiritual practice as we tune in to the wise, loving Spirit that is within us all. 

I look forward to seeing you!



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