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Showing posts from June, 2023

Karen Drucker at the Center - In Person - Come Sing Together! 7 pm

Something new and exciting this Wednesday Evening at the Center! Event Title:  ā€œKaren Drucker Sacred Stillness Through Musicā€  Wednesday, June 28, from 7 to 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary. We will sing, chant, meditate, listen to short readings, and pray together as we allow our hearts to open and connect with others in our community. This is a free event open to everyone. Love offerings are gratefully accepted. ā€œMusic has the ability to bypass the mind and sink into the heart.ā€œ A musical ā€œconcertā€ that I offer is an audience-participatory event where we sing, chant, meditate, and pray together. This is sometimes referred to as a ā€œTaize Service.ā€ This is a sacred, meditative, musical event where we create a holy space by spending time chanting (singing repetitive and affirmative words over and over), being in silence, listening to short sacred, inspirational readings, stating our prayers or intentions, and just allowing ourselves to ā€œbe.ā€ The stage or room is usually surrounded by c...
Being part of a spiritual community provides a sense of belonging and connection with like-minded individuals who share similar beliefs, values, and goals. This sense of belonging has been linked to improved mental health, reduced feelings of loneliness, and increased overall life satisfaction. You are invited to join us on Wednesday Evenings for community, conversation, meditation, snacks, and inspiration. 7 pm in-person at the Center Wednesdays

Our Self Care Worksheet From Wednesday Evening Service, 6/7/2023

Hi Friends. Here is a link to download the PDF version of the worksheet I created to help us move through Self Care (or, as we reframed that phrase, "Care for the Self"). I hope it is helpful. Please email me at if you have questions or want to share if it is working well for you.  The Self Care Worksheet Much love! -Russ