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Showing posts from January, 2017

"Diversity and Inclusivity," Dr. Edward Viljoen, Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 7 pm

In February, our attention turns to the spiritual values of diversity and inclusivity.  A core teaching of the Science of Mind is that we are One, there is no place where God or Good is not.  And, within that One, we are individualized, unique expressions of the Divine. Here are Ernest Holmes' words from " 10 Ideas That Make a Difference ": We all have similar needs, hopes and longings.  This does not mean that we do not have different opinions, for we are all individuals.  Each is a person in his or her own right, but unity does not mean uniformity.  Basically this would indicate that we should get along together in immediate personal family life, as well as in the entire human family. Such an important teaching for these times.  Dr. Edward Viljoen explores what this means and how we do it in his Wednesday evening talk tomorrow, February 1, at 7 pm.  All are welcome, with light snacks and conversation following the service. 

"Growing through Challenges", Rev. Jane Beach, January 25, 2017, 7 pm

Rev. Jane Beach joins us at this week's Wednesday evening service. Her topic:  "Growing through Challenges".   Here's what Rev. Jane has to say about the subject:  "Life is full of gut wrenching challenges, and somehow we get through them. We can kick and scream, hang every minute of it, or we can become strong in the faith that everything will work out, or even more so, that 'Good will come from this.'  Easy? No. Worth it? Yes!" Join Rev. Jane in this midweek reminder of how Life works.  The service begins at 7 pm with an opportunity to share snacks and fellowship after the service.  All are welcome.

"God Lives in Me", Rev. Janet Tobin, Wednesday, January 18, 2017, 7 pm

Januaryā€™s theme is Spiritual Living. Thatā€™s what we are all doing, isnā€™t it? Finding our way, living life and loving it! As we move into 2017, there is a lot happening in our country and in our world. Exploring our spiritual values is good preparation for whatever we face as individuals and as a community. The good news is we have a built-in guidance system that serves us well if we let It. How will you use it? The possibilities are endless and amazing! This Wednesday, January 18 , Rev Janet Tobin is speaking at the evening service; her topic is ā€œGod Lives in Me.ā€ Come to the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa at  7 pm , and plan on staying a bit after the service for light snacks and conversations with others in our community. See you  on Wednesday !

"Ready, Set, Breathe" Rev. Tara Steele, Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 7 pm

This sign hangs in my office, a gift several years ago from my daughter.  "Things to do today, inhale, exhale, inhale, ahhhh."  The days I remember to follow Buddha's advice, there is a spaciousness and freedom that I don't experience when I am busily checking items off my to-do list, nonstop. This Wednesday I'll talk a bit about the practice of breathing, pausing, and its role in Spiritual living.  The service begins at 7 pm, with snacks afterwards.  Please join us, all are welcome.

"Spiritual Living", Rev. Kim Kaiser, Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 7 pm

Rev.  Kim Kaiser launches our Wednesday evening services in 2017.  Our theme for the year -- one that many centers in our movement are also choosing to use -- is values-based spiritual living.  This month the focus is what values-based spiritual living is and how we embody it.  In the coming months, we'll explore specific values like inclusivity, transformation and integrity. All are welcome to this evening service.  And as the new year begins, we invite you to reflect on what your values are and how you bring them alive in your life. The service begins at 7 pm, with music by Christopher Fritzsche.  There are also light snacks following the service to encourage you to stay a bit and talk with others.