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Showing posts from September, 2024

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - The Necessary Conversation, Part 2. Special Wednesday Evening Service and Potluck with Celeste Austin

  This Wednesday, Celeste Austin will lead us in a discussion about the second letter of D.E.I--Equity. Equity and equality can sometimes be misunderstood in the context of conversations about what it means for all to have the same opportunities in life. Celeste will lead us through the nuances of this conversation, sharing the differences between equity and equality, as well as suggestions on how we might better recognize the value of equity as we work toward building a world that works for everyone.  Join us at 6pm for a delicious potluck (and bring your own culinary creation to share), and at 7pm for our conversation with Celeste. We look forward to seeing you and continuing our exploration of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Much love, -Russ

Practicing Peace When Times Are Tough - Wednesday Evening Service with Rev. Russ

  The Science of Mind teaches that the peace we often seek outside already exists within us. It is an attitude of the Spirit within us, the foundation of our being.  If that is true, then why don't we always feel peace? Well, we are also human, and that means that we sometimes experience challenges, that we sometimes experience chaos. The peace within us hasn't gone anywhere, but our focus has been called to the chaos before us, and the feelings of unease that often feel contrary to peace.  In this week's Wednesday Evening Service, we will learn a practical spiritual technique we can employ in any situation where we feel off balance, where we might feel as though the chaos of the world is overriding our natural sense of peace. We will also learn how we can use this practice daily to build up our "peace muscle" so that we have more access to peace when times get tough.  I look forward to sharing some Peace with you this Wednesday! Much love, -Russ