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Showing posts from April, 2023

Wednesday Evening Service In Person with Dr. Edward and Rev. Russ

In Daring Greatly, BrenĆ© Brown writes: ā€œWhat really brings the definition of vulnerability up close and personal are the examples people shared when I asked them to finish this sentence stem: Vulnerability is _____________________.ā€ At our service on Wednesday Evening, April 26, at 7 pm, Dr. Edward will share some of the answers Brene' received and invite you to share your own. We'll talk about what vulnerability is and what it isn't, and we'll have music meditation facilitated by Rev. Russ Legear. Join us for community, learning, snacks, and prayer.

Exploring the Science of Mind Teaching at Wednesday Evening Services

What do we do at Wednesday Evening Services? We learn about the Science of Mind teaching. The Science of Mind is a spiritual and philosophical movement that has its roots in the field of metaphysics. At its core, The Science of Mind is a belief system that holds that all things are connected and that the mind plays a central role in shaping our experiences. At its core, The Science of Mind is about harnessing the power of the mind to create positive change in our lives and in the world around us.  The Science of Mind teaches that our thoughts and beliefs tend to influence and shape our experiences. By learning to change our inner dialogue and concepts about life, we can create a more positive and fulfilling life. This is achieved through a variety of techniques, including meditation, visualization, and affirmative prayer. One of the key principles of The Science of Mind is the belief in the power of the universe. According to this belief system, the universe is a powerful force tha...

TONIGHT - Modern Reading of our Spiritual Texts from the 1900s

Our Wednesday Evening Services, with Dr. Edward Viljoen (and meditation music by Rev. Russ Legear), are focused on following the Science of Mind in One Year guide. This evening's text is on page 508 of the book by Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind. We will focus on one or two of the short meditations on the page with the goal of modernizing the language for contemporary readers. Here is the original text - note that some of the phrases need updating and explanation.  For example, race-suggestion refers to the world view of the human race.  Were Dr. Holmes alive today, he would likely update the phrase to something like Human Consciousness or something similar.  Perhaps you have a suggestion for a more contemporary phrase.  Let's explore together tonight. He Is Mighty Within Me to Heal God within me is mighty to heal. He healeth me of all my diseases and removes all fear from me. My God within is now healing me of all sickness and pain and is bringing comfort to m...