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Showing posts from February, 2023

Hawaiian forgiveness: the secret path to freedom.

Hawaiian forgiveness is a gentle practice of releasing past hurts and judgment to gain greater freedom, love, and peace in our lives. Join Rev Siota at our Wednesday Evening Service on February 22 at 7 PM. Rev. Siota has been teaching this for over 20 years and would love to share it with you. "I lived in Hawaii for several years and studied with various elders and Kahunas to learn Hawaiian forgiveness and other forms of Hawaiian healing. Iā€™ve taught workshops in Ca and Europe between 2005-2011, and for the past 6 years Iā€™ve been teaching it through the Junior College."  

What Does It Do? Chapter Two - Back to Basics

In our Wednesday Evening Service last week, we began a series of evenings reviewing the first four chapters of Ernest Holmes' The Science of Mind.  Our movement has a tradition of going back to basics at the beginning of each year, which is why Root and Reboot was the theme for January. With this new series on Wednesdays, we followed up on the theme.  The audience participates by filling in the blanks in a plain language paraphrase of the book. It was a lot of fun and the snacks were great too. It is amazing how much more I retain when I write something down. Come for the community. Come for the meditation.  Come for the learning. I am looking forward to seeing you tonight at the Center at 7 pm.  Rev. Russ is providing guitar meditation (and freshly baked bread, I suspect.) February Topics and Speakers: February 1, What It Does - Dr. Edward February 8, The Way It Works - Rev. Russ February 15, How To Use It - Dr. Edward Photo by Vicky Ng on Unsplash And..... if We...