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Showing posts from July, 2020

Wednesday Night Wisdom in August, 7 to 8 pm, August 5, 12, 19 and 26, with Lawrence Edwards, Lili Escovedo, Bonnie Gonzalez, and Krista McAtee

Our Wednesday Evening program returns in August. Core members of the Center's Being and Belonging Group facilitate a conversation based upon Valarie Kaur's book See No Stranger.  After three weeks in deep important conversation, on August 25, we celebrate the presence, love, and heart of who we are with New Thought musician and composer Karen Drucker. August  5   See No Stranger: Loving Others August 12   Tend the Wound: Loving Opponents August 19   Breathe and Push: Loving Ourselves August 26   Karen Drucker Plan to participate in this conversation. Valarie Kaur's book is not required though it merits reading.  Here's the Zoom link:                   

Me and White Supremacy, A Six-Week Book Study, Wednesdays, August 5 through September 9, Noon to 1 pm

For six weeks, beginning August 5, those who identify as white or have white privilege, are invited to take part in a book study based on Layla Saad's book Me and White Supremacy. We will meet from noon to 1 pm.  Saadā€™s  book challenges white people to unpack their unconscious biases and privileges based on skin color. If you have friends or colleagues who are interested in doing this work, they are welcome to join. Participants will support each other in discovering and shifting cultural training to stop unconsciously going along with a centuries-old system of white supremacy. August 5         Welcome to the work August 12       The Basics August 19       Anti-Blackness, Racial Stereotypes, and Cultural Appropriation August 26       Allyship September 2   Power, Relationships, and Commitments September 9   Now What? Continuing the Work    The book includes daily ...