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Showing posts from October, 2019

Annual Remembrance Service, Wednesday, November 6, 7 pm

On Wednesday, November 6, our community gathers for the annual Remembrance Service. Practitioners will read the names of loved ones listed by their friends and family in the Remembrance Book. The service is hosted by Rev. Joyce Duffala, Chris Fritzsche, and members of the Grief and Loss Support Ministry. You are welcome to bring flowers, photographs, or other mementos to the service to place on the community altar. The service begins at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. All are welcome.

Sacred Singing with Karen Drucker, 7 pm, Wednesday, October 30, Sanctuary

Every now and then, we are blessed to share in Karen Drucker's spiritual practice that blends song, word, and stillness. Wednesday, October 30, at 7 pm, is one of those times.  In Karen's words, "I am a firm believer that positive music can uplift and inspire. I write my songs and chants with the hope that you will use them in your everyday life and that you will be singing and dancing along with me.ā€  Everyone is invited to this special devotional music program. The music begins at 7 pm, creating spiritual community for all, a mid-week boost. Love offerings are gratefully received.

Q & A Panel on Immortality with Dr. Kim Kaiser and Rev. Joyce Duffala, 7 pm, Wednesday, October 23

After three rich weeks of exploration of immortality and eternality with Dr. Kim, this week Rev. Joyce Duffala joins him to respond to your questions. Is there something you've been wondering about all month, or perhaps for much longer? Here is your opportunity to find out more about the Science of Mind teachings on immortality. All are welcome. The conversation begins at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall, North Wing. Room 11, right next door, is available if you would like to sit in silence for a bit before the class begins. Offerings for love of our center are gratefully received.

Free Immortality Class with Dr. Kim Kaiser, 7 pm, Wednesday, October 16

3rd Wednesday WE BELIEVE the ultimate goal of life to be  a complete freedom from all discord of every nature,  and that this goal is sure to be attained by all. Life is a process of unfolding and expansion. As we learn and grow, the limitations of our previous experience and beliefs drop away and we remember and reveal more and more of who we really are and what we really belong to. Join Dr. Kim Kaiser as he leads a discussion of the unfolding of a life free from discord. All are welcome to this one-hour class in Waggoner Hall, North Wing. The class begins at 7 pm. Room 11 next door provides a quiet space for meditation from 6:15 to 6:50 pm. Love offerings are gratefully received.

Free Immortality Class with Dr. Kim Kaiser, 7 pm, Wednesday, October 9

2nd  Wednesday   WE BELIEVE  in the eternity, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.  Immortality is not some divine far-off event - it is an ever-present reality.  Donā€™t wait for the experience of immortality to realize your own wholeness and live from a centered place. The masterpiece of your soul, expressing as you, truly expresses far beyond your physical self. Wednesday Night Wisdom free classes begin at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall, North Wing. All are welcome to these one-hour drop-in classes. Love offerings are gratefully received.