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Showing posts from August, 2019

Free Class Exploring the Reciprocal Universe with Dr. Edward Viljoen, Wednesday, August 28, 7 pm

This evening Dr. Edward completes his class series on the reciprocal nature of the universe. His focus is "What thought can do, surely thought can undo." So much of our experience comes from what we think about what's happening, not always what is happening. The discussion tonight reminds us we always have the freedom to change our thoughts. This free class begins at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall, North Wing. At 6:15 pm, Room 11 is open for those who would like to meditate before class. All are welcome. Love offerings are gratefully received.

Free Class Exploring the Reciprocal Universe with Dr. Edward Viljoen, Wednesday, August 21, 7 pm

At last Wednesday's free class, we began to explore the Bible story of the prodigal son. This Wednesday, we return to the story to learn what happens when someone realizes they have completely messed up. Plan to come, even if you missed last week's class. You can catch up with the handout and join in the discussion. The one-hour class begins at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall, North Wing. All are welcome. Room 11 offers a quiet place to sit in meditation before class if that calls to you. It opens at 6:15 pm  

Exploring the Reciprocal Universe with Dr. Edward Viljoen, 7 pm, Wednesday, August 14

Older siblings may struggle with the story of the prodigal child. How come the one who took his estate share and went off partying is honored when he returns penniless? This Wednesday, Dr. Edward explores the Biblical story of the prodigal child. You may be surprised by what the story has to say to the stay-at-home children. The conversation begins at 7 pm, in Waggoner Hall, North Wing. All are welcome to this free drop-in class. You may want to come at 6:15 to sit in meditation in Room 11 before class begins. 

"Moving Beyond Our Stories: A Lesson in the Law of Love," with Rev. Barbara Leger, 7 pm, Wednesday, August 7

             An exploration of ā€˜peace and possibility livingā€™ thanks to the strength of moving beyond the story to lean into the creative power of  conscious choice and attention to the Law of Reciprocity Navigating the GAP between constriction and freedom by using the principle and practice of PEACE 1st, we discover a powerful tool as we access a deeper inner calm. The science is clear ā€“ we are always in balance ā€“ we get what we pray from, not what we pray for. REMEMBER: You Canā€™t Fool Mother Nature. Wednesday, August 7, 7 pm, in Waggoner Hall, North Wing, Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa. Meditation is available at 6:15 pm in Room 11, North Wing.