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Showing posts from February, 2019

Black History Month, "Where Do We Go from Here?", Olivia Kinzler, Lawrence Edwards and Calvin Johnson, 7 pm, Wednesday, February 27

This week we complete our observation of Black History Month an invitation to continue the conversation. Olivia, Lawrence, and Calvin will all speak. Lawrence returns to the topic of creativity; Olivia explores the difference between inclusion and equality; Calvin concludes with "Diversity: So Now What?"  The program begins at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. All are welcome.

Black History Month, "Who You Callin' Girl?", Olivia Kinzler, 7 pm, Wednesday, February 20

Who You Callinā€™ Girl? An African-American Womanā€™s Dilemma in Politics  By exploring the African-American experience in the U.S. on a personal level, youā€™re in for some straight talk and for some maybe harsh language about the treatment of women of color. Weā€™ll talk about the great and well-known names in history and celebrate how far weā€™ve come. But most importantly, weā€™ll examine the stumbling blocks that are yet to be removed for women of any color in the political arena.  You donā€™t want to miss this talk! All are welcome. The service begins at 7 pm in the sanctuary.

Black History Month, "Black Music's Contributions to America", Lawrence Edwards RScP, 7 pm, February 13

Music has a remarkable way of engaging all of who we are, body, mind and spirit. In Lawrence Edward's program on Wednesday, we will open our spiritual community with music and prayer. Lawrence will then share some of the songs that have impacted Black Americans and also have had a significant influence on other Americans.  Plan to join in the music and be inspired. The program formally begins at 7 pm though there will be music to call us into community a bit earlier. Everyone is welcome to this special presentation of Wednesday Night Wisdom free classes in the sanctuary.

"Black History Month: The Beginning of Diversity," Calvin Johnson, 7 pm, Wednesday, February 6, Sanctuary

Throughout this month, the Center is observing Black History Month and sharing its lessons. On Wednesday evening, February 6, Calvin Johnson leads us through an exploration of the origins of Black History Month. It is an example of the importance of recognizing and respecting differences while holding to the underlying Oneness of us all. The gathering begins at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. All are welcome.