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Showing posts from September, 2018

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Dr. Edward Viljoen, "Where It All Began," 7 pm, October 3

Wednesday night free classes are open to everyone. Our focus is on understanding and using Science of Mind teachings.  In October, Dr. Edward Viljoen leads us through the first book published by Dr. Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind. Creative Mind is filled with useful insights ā€” short, sweet, and to the point. Everyone is welcome! You can purchase the updated, gender-neutral edition of Creative Mind from Stepping Stones Books and Gifts.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Youth and Family Ministry Director Susan Robinson, RScP, "We're All in This Together," 7 pm, September 26

This Wednesday, Susan Robinson concludes our study of "The Conscious Parent." The conversation will touch on boundary setting in our families and in our relationships as well as the ways that mindfulness and spirituality support each other. The free class begins at 7 pm in the sanctuary and is open to everyone, whether or not you've attended other classes.  There is meditation upstairs in the Meditation Room before the class, from 6:15 to 6:50 pm.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Director of Youth and Family Ministry Susan Robinson, RScP, "From Insanity to Wholeness," 7 pm, September 19

This Wednesday's free class focuses on Chapters 9 and 10 of Dr. Tsabary's book, The Conscious Parent. Susan Robinson will look at how we move from the moments of "Whoops! Where did that come from?" into the clarity and wholeness that comes from an awareness of our triggers. All are welcome to this class which has much to say about all our relationships, with ourselves, our family, our colleagues, and our friends. The focus is parenting, and the conversation ripples out into much more. The class begins at 7 pm on Wednesday evening. There's no need to sign up in advance.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Practitioner Susan Robinson, "A Blow to Our Ego," 7 pm, Wednesday, September 12

At this Wednesday's free class, Director of Youth and Family Ministry, Susan Robinson, RScP, facilitates an exploration into five areas of the Ego. The conversation is based on Chapter 4 of The Conscious Parent. In it, the author looks at how to recognize when weā€™ve become detached from our authentic self and ways to re-engage heart-centered connections.   All are welcome to this free course which has insights of value to all of us, whether or not we are parents. The class begins at 7 pm. There's no need to sign up ahead of time.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Practitioner Susan Robinson, "Understanding Our Shared Unconsciousness," 7 pm, September 5

This Wednesday we begin a new class "Conscious Parenting Is for Everyone." Director of Youth and Family Ministry Susan Robinson facilitates the exploration of how transforming what we believe about ourselves ripples out to all our relationships with people we care about. This free class begins at 7 pm. All are welcome with no need to sign up ahead of time. By popular request, tea is back. And the meditation room upstairs welcomes people to sit in stillness from 6:15 to 6:50 pm.