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Showing posts from May, 2018

"Sacred Singing Night" with Karen Drucker, 7 pm, Wednesday, May 30

Give yourself a ā€œtime outā€ to be musically nurtured and inspired. Pause to just ā€œbeā€ and not ā€œdoā€ for a little while.  We will sing, chant, meditate, listen to short readings, and pray together as we allow our hearts to open and connect with others in our community.  No musical experience necessary. Shower singers welcomed. Just come with a willingness to receive. This is a free concert. Love offerings will be gratefully received. The concert begins at 7 pm in the sanctuary. All are welcome.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Rev. Tara Steele, "Eight Pillars of Joy, Part 2", 7 pm, May 23

This is our fourth and final class talking about The Book of Joy , a conversation with the Dalai Lama and his friend Archbishop Desmond Tutu.  We conclude with four more spiritual practices that solidify our experience of joy in the world.  This week's fab four are forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, and generosity. As Rev. Tara notes, these are tried and true practices well-known to people on a spiritual path. Some how these two mischievous holy men bring a freshness and new insights that may deepen your practice. This free class begins at 7 pm. There's no need to register ahead of time.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Rev. Tara, Eight Pillars of Joy, Part 1," 7 pm, May 16

Joy is a way of being in the world. This week, as we continue with The Book of Joy , we will focus on four practices that help us to see with the eyes of joy. They are perspective, humility, humor and acceptance. Rev. Tara will highlight how these spiritual practices contribute to joy, and, time permitting, we'll practice them a bit as well. This free class begins at 7 pm. There is no need to sign up or even have read the book, though it is a great read.  Just come to learn and to be in community.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Rev. Tara Steele, "Obstacles to Joy," 7 pm, May 9

Joy is a way of being, an invitation to maintain a "joyful mind". This week our topic is some of the obstacles to our ongoing experience of joy: fear, frustration, grief, despair. How do we move through these human experiences without losing the underpinning of faith in the unfolding? Plan to join in the conversation at 7 pm on May 9. Our meditation room opens at 6:15 pm if you would like to sit in stillness before the class. All are welcome to this free class. There is no need to register.