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Showing posts from February, 2018

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Dr. Edward Viljoen, "Who Am I?", 7 pm, February 28

"Who am I?" is the topic of Chapter 4 of It's up to You .  It's a question that merits revisiting as a regular spiritual practice. Here is how Ernest Holmes describes the value of this practice on page 37: "Always when there dawns upon any individual member of the human race the realization of [their] own Divinity, the eternality of [their] own nature, the unity of [their] own life with the Eternal, and the immediate availability of the Law through the power of [their] word--there Christ is born again."  Come learn more as Dr. Edward leads Wednesday night's free class that begins at 7 pm. The meditation room is open from 6 to 6:50 pm if you would like to sit in stillness before class.  All are welcome.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Rev. Joyce Duffala, "You Create Your Destiny," 7 pm, February 21 In the first two weeks of this free class, Dr. Edward Viljoen presented the spiritual foundation and worldview put forth by Ernest Holmes in It's up to You.   It is now Rev. Joyce's great thrill to explore with you Holmes's concrete suggestions for aligning with spiritual Reality so that -- as the title of Chapter 3 says --  You Create Your Destiny.   This free class begins at 7 pm in the Sanctuary.  No need to register, no prerequisites.  Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Dr. Edward Viljoen, "Successful Living," 7 pm, February 14

                                        Jenna Lee, Our free Wednesday night classes continue with Chapter 2 of Ernest Holmes's book, It's up to You . What is the key to a successful life? That we are in a mental condition to receive the gift. That means more than having the knowledge, it means using that knowledge in our daily living. Want to know more? Come to Dr. Edward's free class on Wednesday, February 14. No need to register, just arrive by 7 pm. If you would like to meditate before the class, the meditation room upstairs is open from 6:15 to 6:50 pm.

Wednesday Night Wisdom with Dr. Edward Viljoen, "Escape to Life", 7 pm, February 7

In this free eleven-week course, Dr. Edward will identify key Science of Mind teaching points in Ernest Holmesā€™s book ā€œItā€™s Up To You.ā€ This week starts with the chapter one, Escape to Life, which explores how fear of life keeps us from thriving, the importance of having a clear and superstition-free idea of Divinity, and the powerful practice of looking beyond appearances to the spiritual truth.  This one-hour class is open to everyone, and will take place in our Sanctuary at 7 pm. If you would like, come early and sit in the Meditation Room upstairs, 6:15 to 6:50 pm.