Artwork courtesy of Association for Global New Thought In 1998, Mahatma Gandhi's son Arun introduced a resolution in the United Nations to mark the anniversary of his father's death on January 30, 1948, and the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., on April 4, 1968. The Season for Nonviolence is now in its 20th year, with events around the world. Here in Sonoma County, our season begins with a program at the Center for Spiritual Living on Wednesday, January 31, at 7 pm. Kazu Haga, Founder of the East Point Peace Academy, is the keynote speaker. He is joined by Lyndsey Burcina, a student who facilitates listening circles at Elsie Allen High School; and Dion Martin, who will share his story of adopting nonviolence while in prison. There will be an opportunity to ask questions of the speakers and also to reflect on how nonviolence might be a part of your daily practice. Co-sponsored by the Interfaith Council of Sonoma County.