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Showing posts from December, 2017

Wednesday Night Wisdom - Class begins January 3, 7 pm

Have you wondered about the teachings of Science of Mind and how to apply them in your life? There is a great opportunity to explore these and other questions in the New Year.  In celebration of 100 years of Science of Mind, short free classes are being offered most Wednesday nights of the year. Dr. Kim Kaiser begins with a four-week class on the heart of Science of Mind, based on the first four chapters of the Science of Mind textbook.  The classes meet in the sanctuary from 7 to 8 pm.  Dr. Edward Viljoen follows in February with an 11-week class focused on Ernest Holmes' book It's Up to You.  All are welcome.  There are no prerequisites or fees although love offerings will be gratefully received.  See you in class!

"Being True to Self", Rev. Janet Tobin, 7 pm, Wednesday, December 27

What gives us a feeling of being at home? How do we decide whatā€™s right for us personally? Itā€™s about belonging, but also about integrity. Do we live in alignment with our values? Are we true to who we truly are? This year we have been talking about Values Based Spiritual Living.  At the closing of the year, we have an opportunity to review how well these ideas are working for us. Join Rev. Janet Tobin on December 27 for a look at what it means to be true to your Self. Our Wednesday evening service begins at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall, North Wing.  Room 11 is open as a meditation hall at 6:30 if you would like to sit in stillness before the service.  All are welcome to the service and to the snacks and conversation that follow.

"The Heart of Integrity", Rev. Tara Steele, 7 pm, Wednesday, December 20

Photo by William Bout on Unsplash There is a place within where heart and mind are one, a wholeness, an alignment that is far more than the sum of the two parts. This is "the heart of integrity" as Rev. Tara describes it. Wednesday she'll talk a bit more about what this means and how we recognize and tap into this place of deep peace, grace and presence. The service begins at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall. There is meditation next door in Room 11 starting at 6:30 pm.  All are welcome.

"Speaking Truth to Error", Dr. Kim Kaiser, 7 pm, Wednesday, December 13

Nick Scheerbart, This month's spiritual value is "Integrity".  Integrity begins within, knowing what matters to us, knowing  the Truth of what we are.  And then, perhaps, we notice where who and what we are is different than our experience in the world.  When and how do we speak truth to error?  Dr. Kim Kaiser explores this topic on Wednesday evening. Our Wednesday evening service begins at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall, North Wing.  Room 11 is open as a meditation hall at 6:30 if you would like to sit in stillness before the service.  All are welcome to the service and to the snacks and conversation that follow.