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Showing posts from August, 2017

"Chanting & Sound Healing with Bodhi, René and Vlad", Wednesday, August 30, 7 pm

Join Bodhi, Rene and Vlad for an evening of Chanting and Sound Healing. Combining these two practices allows us to deepen our experience of both inner and outer sound. A meditative practice to empty our mind, resonate our body and receive a deep, healing rest.  Bodhi Setchko is an international touring musician and the founder of music ensembles Crystal Wind and Rhythm Matrix. He has performed and recorded with many musicians around the globe. René Jenkins is a professional musician, Ceremonial Sound Practitioner, Healing Performance and Recording Artist from Sonoma, California. For more than 25 years, René performs sound healing concerts, blessings and ceremonies for individuals and special groups across the country. Vlad Cardema was born in Israel and raised in the Philippines. After serving in the Israel Defense Force for one year, he came to America and discovered the native flute and the Australian didgeridoo. He builds Native Style Flutes, Didgeridoos and Native Americ...

Community Prayer for Peace, "Letting Love Lead", Rev. Jane Beach, 7 pm, August 23

Sunrise in Death Valley In the Science of Mind teaching, we know that prayer shifts consciousness.  At this Wednesday's evening service, we will share community prayers for peace, in response to the events in Charlottesville and around the world. There is power and healing in sitting in spiritual community, knowing Peace together.   Following the prayer, Rev.  Jane   Beach  will speak to "Letting Love Lead", an important reminder in these times.  The service begins at 7 pm.  

"Love Loves to Love", Rev. Tara Steele, 7 pm, Wednesday, August 13

Photo by  Lotte Meijer  on  Unsplash "We come to understand that all is Love and yet all is Law.  Love rules through Law. Love is the Divine Givingness; Love is the Way. Love is spontaneous; Law is impersonal. ... Love points the way and Law makes the way possible."   Science of Mind , 43:1-2 Thoughts, beliefs, group mind -- understanding these concepts and choosing their effects on our life -- this is a central element of the teachings of Science of Mind.  And there is more -- the feeling that impels our prayer and sometimes is a bridge to Spirit in moments of difficulty and challenge. Join Rev. Tara Steele as she explores our teachings of Love and Law at the Wednesday evening service.  All are welcome to this 45-minute mid-week service which encourages folks to stay and get to know each other over light snacks after the program.

"Committing to Love: A Community Celebration", Dr. Kim Kaiser, 7 pm, August 9

This special Wednesday Evening Service includes the induction of our newest practitioners, with Dr, Edward Viljoen and Rev, Joyce Duffala participating.  Dr. Kim Kaiser's keynote talk explores how we are called  into an active love relationship with our world and all who are in it.  This is a call to be what you really are, Spirit's instrument on earth. A reception will follow the service in the Social Hall, and all attendees are invited.