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Showing posts from July, 2017

"Eyes of Compassion ... Ayes of Heart and Mind", Melodie Bellagio, RScP, 7 pm, August 2

Photo by Vincent Guth, Join Practitioner Melodie Bellagio on Wednesday evening as she explores what it means to see with the eyes of compassion.  There is a depth to appreciating this means to see with the "ayes of heart and mind". The 45-minute mid-week pick-me-up service begins at 7 pm.  All are welcome to stay after service to enjoy light snacks and community conversation. 

"Cooperate, Communicate, Collaborate", Rev. Janet Tobin, 7 pm, Wednesday, July 26

Photo by B. Hanson What gets your attention? Who and what are you listening to? Is your focus in alignment with what inspires you? Itā€™s worth noticing, and may help you to find creative solutions to everyday challenges. When we set our sights a little bit higher, we may be surprised by what God has in mind! This coming Wednesday, July 26, 2017, Rev Janet Tobin speaks at the evening service, on the topic ā€œCooperate, Communicate, Collaborate.ā€ Join us at the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa at 7 pm, and plan on staying a bit after the service for light snacks and conversations with others in our community. See you on Wednesday!

"How Clean Are Your Windows?" Rev. Tara Steele, 7 pm, July 19

Our focus this month is open communication.  The invitation is to be authentic and present, not hidden behind windows covered with old beliefs, expectations and roles.  Do you show up as who you are, or are you living behind a smudged image of yourself?  Rev. Tara Steele invites you to join her in exploring how clear and present you are, even if you don't usually do windows. This 45-minute mid-week pick-me-up service begins at 7 pm, with light snacks after the service.  And, if you would like, you may participate in a 20-minute meditation upstairs in the Meditation Room before the service, 6:30 - 6:50 pm.

"Balancing Your Accounting", Lawrence Edwards, RScP, 7 pm, July 12

Photo by  Deniz Altindas  on  Unsplash Join Practitioner Lawrence Edwards as he looks at accounting for the good in our lives and acknowledging and appreciating the fruit of our work!  The service begins at 7 pm.  We are also blessed to have Star Tom's voice and musical inspiration for our service. All are welcome.  And meditation is available upstairs in the Meditation Room for 20 minutes, beginning at 6:30 pm.

Wednesday Evening Services in July

Photo by Kazuenda, Wondering who the speakers are in July?  We have a wonderful variety. July 5 - Rev. Ruth Barnhart, "Who's Talking?" [Corrected from earlier post] July 12 - Lawrence Edwards, RScP, "Balancing Your Accounting" July 19 - Rev. Tara Steele, "How Clean Are Your Windows?" July 26 - Rev. Janet Tobin, "Cooperate, Communicate, Collaborate" As always, the services begin at 7 pm.  And you are welcome to come at 6:30 to join in meditation upstairs in the Meditation Room.