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Showing posts from June, 2017

"Who's Talking?", Rev. Ruth Barnhart, 7 pm, July 5

Photo by  Cristina Gottardi  on  Unsplash In this age where we are linked globally, are we really connecting? How is your communication? Are you listening, are you being heard? There is healing power in good conversation. Join Rev. Ruth at the Wednesday evening at 7 pm as she explores this topic. Meditation is available upstairs in the Meditation Room at 6 pm and there will be light snacks after the service.

"Who Cares", Rev. Joyce Duffala, 7 pm, June 28

We can never know the complete effects of our words and actions on others. May be good, may be not.  So let's consider our internal gauge.  Join Rev. Joyce on Wednesday, June 28, as she explores this intriguing question, "Who cares?"  The service begins at 7 pm.  Meditation is available upstairs at 6:30.  And there are light snacks after the service.

"Integrity and Accountability", Camille Escovedo, 7 pm, June 21

Come join Camille Escovedo for an evening centered around the meaning of accountability as being answerable to one's potential GOOD, through embracing responsibility for one's actions. Between trying to dodge God and trying to do God's job, we are given the opportunity to step out of inaction and identify with the voice of integrity within.  The service begins at 7 pm in the Sanctuary.  There is meditation upstairs in the Meditation Room at 6:30.  All are welcome to both as well as to the light snacks following the service.

"Accountability Is Not Karma", Rev. Tara Steele, June 14, 7 pm

In our Science of Mind tradition, choice is central.  Choosing a new thought, opening ourselves up to greater possibilities, releasing thoughts that no longer serve us -- each of these strategies points toward the freedom to choose and choose again.  Freedom is found in opening to ever unfolding, unlimited possibilities. This freedom is not freedom from consequences.  It is freedom to choose differently to create a different experience.  For Rev. Tara that process assures we are accountable; we are not bound by karma. Want to learn more?  Come hear what Rev. Tara has to say at the Wednesday evening service which starts at 7 pm.  All are welcome.

"Get Out of the Shadows", Rev. Jane Beach, June 7 at 7 pm

Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse, Weā€™re not meant to play small, staying in our comfort zones where itā€™s safe. Weā€™re fully equipped to take risks, stepping out into the light, saying yes to the happiness waiting for us! Plan to attend the  Wednesday  evening service when Rev.  Jane compares the spiritual principles of the Law of Cause and Effect with scienceā€™s Quantum Physics.  Christopher Fritzsche adds his beautiful voice in support of the service.  There is meditation in the Meditation Room at  6:30 pm , the service begins at 7.