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Showing posts from December, 2016

"The Mind of Truth", Rev. Janet Tobin, Wednesday, December 28, 2016, 7 pm

As 2016 comes to a close, we are given the opportunity to assess how the year has unfolded for us. How did your understanding of life and your relationship to Spirit evolve? Have you paused and asked yourself what is true, really true for you? This  coming Wednesday , December 28, Rev Janet Tobin speaks to the topic, The Mind of Truthā€ and invites us into a reflection on our year.  Come to the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa at  7 pm , and plan on staying a bit after the service for light snacks and conversations with others in our community.   If you are reading along with us in   The Science of Mind,  Wednesdayā€™s   reading is on pages 495 and 496. See you   on Wednesday !

"Revealing the Perfect One Within", Rev. Kim Kaiser, Wednesday, December 21, 2016, 7 pm

"What the healer does is to mentally uncover and reveal the Truth of Being, that God is in and through every person, and that this Indwelling Presence is already perfect.  We separate the belief from the believer and reveal that which needs no healing." What do these words from the Science of Mind  textbook (418.3) mean? How might they make a difference in your life?  Join Rev. Kim Kaiser this Wednesday evening as he explores this core teaching of the Science of Mind.  The service begins at 7 pm with time for light snacks and fellowship afterwards.  All are welcome.

Remembrance Service, Wednesday, December 7, 2016, 7 pm

Join Rev. Joyce Duffala, Christopher Fritzsche, and members of our Grief and Loss Support Ministry as we honor those who have made their transition in the last 12 months.  Their names will be read from the Remembrance Book during the service and you may bring flowers, photographs, or other mementos to place on the community altar. If you would like to add the name of a loved one who has passed on since December 2015, please call the Center for Spiritual Living no later than 8 pm on Tuesday, December 6, 2016.  That number is (707) 546-4543. The Remembrance Service begins at 7 pm in the sanctuary.  All are welcome.