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Showing posts from July, 2016

"Getting Unstuck", Wednesday evening, 7 pm, August 3

Are you feeling stuck in the mud?  Or perhaps stuck in a belief?  This Wednesday, August 3, join Rev. Kim Kaiser as he looks at how we get stuck and what works to get us moving again.  Ernest Holmes, author of the Science of Mind  textbook, has some intriguing thoughts on this topic. Plan to stay after service.  There'll be light snacks and friendly conversation. The service beings at 7 pm.  All are welcome.

Wednesday Evening Services in August, 7 pm

Wondering what the topics are on Wednesday evenings in August?  Here's the lineup with the readings for the day: August 3 -  ā€œGetting Unstuckā€ (SoM 240.3 - 242.3)                        Rev. Kim Kaiser August 10 - ā€œNavigating Through the Stormā€ (SoM 249.2 - 250.5)                        Rev. Ruth Barnhart August 17 -  ā€œWhat did Jesus really say?ā€ (SoM 427.1 - 427.4)                         Rev. Joyce Duffala August 24 -  ā€œThe Heart of the Matterā€ (SoM 238.3 - 240.2)                         Dr. Edward Viljoen August 31 -  Kirtan (404.5 - 407.4)                          Sahar Eric Pinkham and friends Services start at 7 pm in the Sanctuary....

Realizing Oneness with the All Good, Wednesday, July 27, 7 pm

Like the wave that is a part of the ocean, so each of us is unique and in the Oneness of God.  Join Rev. Janet Tobin as she explores ways to recognize and embody the underlying All Good of Spirit. The talk is based upon a reading on vision from the Science of Mind  textbook, pages 229-231. The service begins at 7 pm at the Center for Spiritual Living, 2075 Occidental Road.  Conversation and light snacks follow the program.  All are welcome.

Attracting Success, Rev. Tara Steele, 7 pm, Wednesday, July 20

High in the mountains of Utah, this single sego lily blooms, succeeding in bringing beauty and wonder to hikers along the trail.  Astonishing as it may seem, the lily thrives. So too for us, "We should EXPECT THE BEST, and so live that the best may become a part of our experience." Want to learn more?  Join Rev. Tara Steele at the Wednesday evening service, 7 pm, June 20, as she explores how to attract success.  The talk is based upon the Science of Mind textbook reading, pages 299.4 -  301.2  Following the service, join in the conversation over light snacks.  All are welcome.

"How to Pray for Prosperity" Wednesday evening, July 13, 7 pm

Prosperity -- abundance -- aliveness Prosperity is not just about money.  There's much more to it. When do you feel that your cup runneth over, that all is well and abundantly good?   Are there qualities of life, values, ways of being, that enrich you? And how does each of us find our way to that awareness?  Join Dr. Edward Viljoen at this Wednesday's evening service when he explores the meaning of prosperity and how we bring it into our lives. All are welcome to our evening service where we study the teachings of the founder of Science of Mind, Dr. Ernest Holmes.  And following the service, there's time to chat over light, delicious finger food.  Meditation is at 6:30, the service begins at 7 pm. By the way, if you miss a Wednesday evening service, you can order the CD recording at Stepping Stones Books and Gifts.