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Showing posts from May, 2016

Wednesday evening services in June

Planning your June calendar?  Here's what's coming to the Center on Wednesday evenings in June: June 1   "How Important Is It to Have Constructive Thoughts?"  Dr. Edward Viljoen June 8   "Seeing Spiritual Perfection"  Rev. Janet Tobin June 15   "Holding On Together: A Vigil for Orlando"  Rabbie George Gittleman and                 Kim Kaiser June 22   Kirtan Mass, composed by Christopher Fritzsche and Edward Viljoen                Note this is the fourth Wednesday, not the fifth Wednesday June 29   "All You Need Is Love"  Brenda Kobrin, RScP Our Wednesday evening services are an opportunity for mid-week connection with our spiritual community.   With the exception of the Kirtan Mass program, these services are a bit shorter and offer a chance for conversation and camaraderie over light snacks after the service. Have questions or com...

Help through Prayer at a Distance -- Wednesday, May 25, 7 pm

Dr. Edward speaks at this Wednesday's evening service -- diving into the topic "Help through Prayer at a Distance".  His talk is an opportunity to understand a bit more about the teachings of Science of Mind.  And, following the service, you can enjoy some pesto or marinara pasta, a bit more than our usual finger food fare, along with fellowship and conversation. Intrigued? Planning to attend?  Might you consider helping out a bit with serving and clean up? Please email Rev. Tara at if you want to volunteer for this Wednesday evening's food fellowship setup and cleanup.  See you there!

"How to Heal" - Wednesday evening, May 22, 7 pm

Eat Your Veggies!  That was my mother's answer for the sniffles of childhood -- and it sometimes worked.  But the topic "How to Heal" is much more than a question of what's on the menu or in the tummy. This Wednesday, Rev. Kim Kaiser explores Ernest Holmes's teaching  on this topic.  It's all about knowing perfection, releasing doubt and fear, and clarity of thought.  The service begins at 7 pm with meditation at 6:30 pm for those who enjoy settling within at the end of the day.

How's Your Image? Is It Divine? Wednesday Evening Service May 11, 7 pm

How clearly do you reflect your Divine Self? In the words of a friend, this Wednesday evening's Science of Mind textbook reading (195.5-197.4) reading "made my eyes cross and my brain hurt".  It is a dense reading, but not impenetrable. The section titles may help clarify the text.  The first section is labeled "We Are Allowed to Choose". The Divine Image, the perfection of our life, is within all of us, is our essence, always.  We choose to be aware of this underlying Perfect Life, or not, but we cannot destroy it. And the second section reminds us that "Man Re-enacts God".  We individualize the outer expression of ourselves by the thoughts we choose, the effect (more or less depending on our awareness) of group mind, and our environment.  The most powerful and creative of these is our thought.  The more we recognize the underlying I AM and choose to align with that perfection, the more it shows up in, as, and through our life. That's ...

Wednesday Evenings in May

Have you been reading along with the weekly or daily readings in the Science of Mind  textbook?  I am finding it to be a lovely morning practice, sometimes leading into prayer or stillness, other times into questions and "What did Ernest mean by that?"  That's when I appreciate our Wednesday evening services that explore the day's reading. There is quite a range of topics for May, the month we focus on Spiritual Guidance and Personal Responsibility.  The service begins at 7 pm, in the sanctuary.  There is also meditation in Grinton Chapel at 6:30 pm for those of you who like to begin in this way. Here is our calendar, including the textbook reading for the day: May 4  - Rev. Janet Tobin - "Answered Prayer"  190.1-191.4 May 11  - Rev. Tara Steele -  "An Image of the Divine"  195.5 - 197.4 May 18  - Rev. Kim Kaiser - "How to Heal"  201.5 - 203.3 May 25 - Dr. Edward Viljoen - "Help through Prayer at a Distance"  ...